Monday, 10 June 2013

Just the beginning...

Living on a boat in the mediterranean making a living in the sun and laughing with my family.

Inviting friends for visits on holiday and not scowling to much at the world.

Monday, 2 April 2012

A Quick List of how to get there...

Do more sailing on whatever it is on.

  • Last weekend it was sailing up the river soar on the narrow boat Lazy Dayz which is for sale.
  • Buy a or get access to a sailing boat.
  • Go sailing with Danish and family at Rutland - book it soon.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Day 1 - Create a Future Blog

This is an idea from my "" blog pages. There you can find all sorts of great ideas from fresh new products to simple ideas to change your future.

This is one of those ideas which is to use a blog to present the future to you now - it's all possible you just have to start the writing it down and then just do it.

What you do is schedule some future posts so they will appear in your blog and remind you of where you should be. For example I've added a post in two years time to say "Sitting on a boat in the Med".